Happiness Is...

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Happiness Is...

Not too long ago, I was trolling through Fireworks at University Village, and I happened across this quote, and it really resonated with me:
Happiness is not in our circumstances but in ourselves. It is not something we see like a rainbow, or fell like the heat of fire. Happiness is something we are. How do we nurture our souls? By revering out own life. By reaching the best within ourselves by taking chances and stretching our boundaries. By leaping into the unknown. By going places we've never been. By having faith and staring down our fears. By embracing our special uniqueness. By doing things for the fun of it. By slowing down so that important things can catch up. By breathing in wide open spaces. By walking in nature's wildness. By appreciating each day, moment by moment...By learning to live it all, not only the joys and triumphs, but the pain and the struggle. By giving more than we take. By being there for others. By making a difference. When we are living a life we love, souls are singing and dancing.

I promise I'll get the name of the book, and the author next time I'm down there :)


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