Happiness Is...

Monday, February 19, 2007

Shooting Around Town

I had some extra time on my hands today, being President's Day and all, so I thought that I might take the opportunity to get out and take some photos. Everyone's been to the Pike Place Market the waterfront, and the crowds are still flooding to the Olympic Sculpture Park. I wanted to go somewhere I've not been before or perhaps shoot something out of the ordinary. My mind began to wander through all the possibilities, but I was just plain stumped.

As always the internet proved to be an extremely helpful resource. Though there aren't any sites devoted to The Top 10 Photos You Need to Take While in Seattle," I did find a few that pointed me in the right direction:

Flickr - Several groups are focused on Seattle, and even a few concentrate on specific locations or themes. Take a peek and I'm sure you'll get tons of inspiration, I sure did!


Photogs looking to meet others in the area, and for a chance toshoot some new sights can join the Seattle Flickr Meetup group where they organize trips around the area twice a month.

Or if you just want to get together and dish on the latest equipment, share shots you've taken, etc you can hook up with the Eastside/Seattle Photography Groups on Meetup.com

You can always give yourself a mini homework assignment if you still can't make up your mind; take 5o photos within a city block to test your creativity, work on your long exposure skills at night, look for subjects with contrasting colors, pan a few moving objects, or try to find subjects with repeating items or patterns. Regardless of what you choose, you'll hopefully get some experience and see some improvement in your shots.

Given that it's still winter, and very blustery, I actually decided to stay in where its nice and cozy. At least I have quite a few choices of where to go next time I get a spare moment and have camera in hand!


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